31 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

You let me into your inbox every week – and if you don’t, I’d love it if you did – so it’s only fair that you know a little bit more about me. Think of it as one of those MySpace surveys everyone forced on you, only better.

1.  I have a husband (Byron) and two kids: Abby and Josh, who are 14 and 13. We also have a dog, “Kamy the Foster Fail.” We were supposed to have her for a week or two…that was over a year ago and now she is my best buddy. We live in Colorado together and we love breweries and pizza.
2.  My kids are 14 months apart. Peace, love and lots of naps to the mamas who’ve raised “Irish twins!”
3.  I’m the first born of 3.  All this means is that I’m an over-achiever, very self-critical, and the favorite child.
4.  I met my husband online when I was seventeen and I married him when I was 20. Every day I look at him, in awe of what a lucky man he is.
5.  I’m a Christian. This doesn’t mean that I judge you if you believe differently from me or that I’m going to lecture you in order to “win you” to my way of life, I’m just really in love with Jesus and He’s behind every good thing that I do.
6.  I love Disney. I tried to work at Disneyland as a performer. I idolize Walt for his genius. I got engaged at Disney World. I could keep going…
7.  I used to want 13 kids. That didn’t work out so well because I was the worst pregnant lady around. I hated being pregnant.  So, 2 was the magic number.
8.  I consider myself a music enthusiast. I have an appreciation for (almost) all music, and it’s a deep and constant part of my life. I have a few playlists I love sharing, too!
9.  I’m good at telling embarrassing stories about myself.  My current favorite is the one where I showed up to an upscale Christmas party as the only one in pajamas.
10.  I really, REALLY want people to like me.  I’ll go to great lengths to be in good graces with people. I care about what people think.  I’m working on it.
11.  I’m an introvert. WHAT! Yeah. I’m what they call an extroverted introvert, which basically means I can carry on a meaningful conversation with strangers or perform well, but I need to recharge and I really, really love being by myself.
12.  I practice my party tricks at home and in my car, but you’ll never, EVER see me perform them (see above.)  Tricks include a mean Casper Slide, a Wobble that I’m still workin’ on, and I can roll my tongue into three “loops.”
13.  I’m 5’0.” It’s really hard to find pants.
14.  I went to Bible school.  I didn’t graduate. But see #5.
15.  I used to have a full time career in fundraising for a national nonprofit.  This just means that I’m good at asking people for money, planning big parties, tying balloons, taking out my own trash and being politically correct. Fundraising taught me life skills and gave me most of my worry wrinkles.
16.  My husband and I own a franchise of 15 chain fast food restaurants.  This seems to be the point in the conversation where people’s eyes get really big and sometimes I feel like they start treating me differently.  We are not filthy rich and we don’t think we’re better than you.  We just work hard and get free fries whenever we want.
18.  I thoroughly enjoy wine (just like a good suburban wife), but I also really like whiskey.  I love the taste of bourbon and different kinds of smooth, sugary whiskey.  I think I got it from my grandma.  And yes, I still love Jesus and He loves me back.
19.  I am a chronic over-thinker. Also what gives me worry wrinkles.
20.  I’m a cheer mom and I love it.  I love cheerleading and watching my kid do what she’s passionate about.
21.  I used to be a worship leader. Now, I just sing in the crowd and hope that I don’t turn into that old lady that sings really loud in that high pitched voice during church services.  You know the one.
22.  I’m a hardcore Friends fan.  When I was pregnant with Abby, we didn’t have cable or cell phones. All we had was Friends DVDs and spare time. I labored with her to Season 5. She would stop crying when she heard the theme song.
23.  I lived half my life in Northern California and half my life in Central Texas before we moved to Colorado.  This includes 8 years of living in Waco, Texas: home of Chip & JoJo and all their shiplapped goodness.  Don’t let the Silohs fool you: Waco isn’t that interesting.  We’ve now found our forever home in Castle Rock, Colorado and I pinch myself every day because I just love it so much.
24.  I am obsessed with Christmas. I have a year-round countdown clock and my friends hate me when I start reminding them in June.  It doesn’t help that my sweet little town has a Christmas festival and a star on top of our little mountain that stays lit from Thanksgiving to almost February.
25.  Words of affirmation and quality time are my top love languages.  So, give me a genuine compliment over coffee and we’re friends.  Throw in a good Friends quote and we’re best friends.
26.  I want to encourage women to be vulnerable, BUT…I beat myself up when I’ve been vulnerable. I think things like, “Was it too much? Will I be misunderstood? Was it bad timing? Will they stop liking me?”
27.  I’m very patriotic.  The only thing I love almost as much as Christmas is the 4th of July.
28.  I’m a Broadway geek. My favorite shows include Wicked, Music Man, and Hamilton. I’m also a HUGE, HUGE fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda. Like, I don’t consider myself a creepy person but I would FOR SURE dig through that guy’s trash.
29.  I used to secretly judge people who have tattoos…and now I have two.
30.  I’m terrified of snakes.  I once ran a 3 minute mile when I saw a garden snake.  Okay, maybe it was like 100 yards in 3 minutes, but it felt like a mile. Fight or Flight and all that.
31.  I hate running.  I really want one of those stickers that says “0.0.”
Hopefully one or two of these gave you that “me too” feeling! I’d love to know more about you, too! Drop a comment or send me an email and let’s be friends.


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